Make Use of alias Command Mar 10, 2019 A Bash alias is a unix based command line shortcut. Example I’ve used in previous post, is ls -laFh, which I use all the time. Just imagine typing that hundreds of times a day (if you’re job is to work on unix based operating systems). To remove the complexity, you can declare an alias, simply typing alias ll='ls -laFh'. Now, instead of typing ls -laFh bunch of times, I just type ll and get the same result. ...
How I Use grep Command Mar 3, 2019 What Is grep grep stands for “global regular expression print”. From the docs: The grep utility searches any given input files, selecting lines that match one or more patterns. To me, basically grep is a tool to filter through output of some command. But as you will see, later in this post, you can use it to search through the content of files to get the results using grep alone. ...